Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Does Sun Damage Mean For My Skin?

from the sun causes damage to 80% of all visible signs of aging skin. It also has an unfortunate turnover time of 20 years. What does it mean that what you do in the sun on your skin today will be 20 years to become visible on the skin surface. That is why most women aged 35 to 40 will begin to notice significant changes in their skin


This puts all the sun exposure until age 15-20 are now starting to get through, and of course the reservoir keeps building from there. If transport time is 24 hours, and what we did today, the sun showed up tomorrow, then no one would be trying to get some "healthy" color ever again! Unfortunately only 20 years too long for most of us to fully realize the degradation of the skin which are caused by our own negligence.

Once we have accumulated a certain degree of sun damaged cells in the skin starts this domino effect of damage that does not look aesthetically pleasing and can also be very dangerous in the deeper layers of skin. These are the cells which in later years have the potential to turn into any pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions. On the surface, this leads to severe loss of elasticity, color, texture, unattractive, and exposed capillaries. In short, premature aging! The good news is that no one is a lost cause, and we live in a time of great exploration and development in the field of skin care. There are many treatments available to reverse this damage and restore your skin for a healthier and more youthful version of yourself.

Life and work in Overland Park, Kansas area I find that when we had a nice time we want to be outside to enjoy it! And sadly, when days are long and cold, many people turn to tanning as an alternative to the sun. The key is to understand the physiology of how the sun works with your skin, and then learn how to be safe in the sun! We recommend that an educated expert in their field to assess their level of sun damage and lead you through the proper rehabilitation and home care protocols to heal your skin safely and effectively.


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