Friday, May 13, 2011

How to Treat Eczema Or Dermatitis Naturally and Permanently

Eczema or dermatitis is caused due to several factors such as - temperature changes, irritants and allergens, stress, water, environmental conditions, genetics, etc. But the exact cause is still not clear. That is why many people believe that it is possible to treat the symptoms of eczema, but not really cured.

The first step for treating the symptoms of eczema is to adopt a proper skin care regimen that will prevent dry skin. When your skin is dry there is a tendency to scratch your skin frequently. This results in a flare up. Use a good moisturizer, so that the skin is moist and well fed.

Another important step to treating eczema is to find the triggers that cause flare ups. You can do it yourself or take help of a health person. It can be caused by factors such as the use of soap and detergents, synthetic fibers, woolen garments, dust, pollen, cat hair, cosmetics, perfumes, etc.

There are a few food products that can cause eczema. Dairy items like curd, buttermilk and cheese can lead to flare up. Similar to eating citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc. may also cause this problem.

Once you know the triggers you will obviously try to stay away from these items to prevent eczema.

Keeping your skin well hydrated is another important factor for the treatment of eczema, of course. Drinking lots of water can help you achieve that. Water also helps remove toxins and impurities from the body. Certain minerals such as selenium and zinc also help in improving the level of fluid in the body. It is best to consult a doctor before you consume any mineral supplements.


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